[Previous entry: "TRYING to get Visas"] [Next entry: "Yay! We got our Visas! And other stuff!"]
The sky is NOT falling...well, hopefully :) ...
I called the Uganda embassy in Washington D.C. early this morning to inquire about our passports. Apparently there was a misunderstanding between the consulate (whom I'd talked to previously) and his secretary. He told me that the passports would be mailed out last Monday (8 days ago) in the envelope I provided, but she thought she was supposed to wait for ME to send them the correct envelope before mailing them back. So, when I spoke with her this morning, our passports were still sitting on her desk. She agreed to mail them off today, and I called her this afternoon to confirm that she had done so. She said she did, so now we just have to wait. If all goes well, we should receive them on Thursday, Friday at the latest...3 weeks before we leave.